Access Control Challenge
An Australian government department needed to improve the access control of its extensive underground pipe and pit infrastructure. This department operates more than 600 kilometres of underground conduit and some 2,000 individual in ground access pits that require various requirements for access in order to deliver services and the security levels required. Until recently, they used a mechanical locking system with six separate key and lock profiles. The cost to re-key the system if one single key was lost was potentially more than $280,000 and would take three months to complete. A pilot project with EKA CyberLock showed the advantages of electronic locking although highlighting some additional physical restraints of design.
Access Control Solution
EKA CyberLock physical robustness, ease of use, customisation possibilities and whole-of-life savings convinced the department to roll-out the EKA CyberLock product to replace the majority of the mechanical locks. The department has now replaced more than 95 percent of the previous locking systems. The earliest installations have now been in some of the department’s dirtiest and most-often-used pits for 18 months. EKA CyberLock has also eliminated the need to ever re-key. The EKA CyberLock product has also allowed the department to use the same electronic locking system to secure cabinets, haul or lock boxes in buildings. They’ve even worked with the manufacturer to design and build intruder-resistant components for use inside buildings, complete to the service end point.